"Changing from application GirlFriend 6.0 to Wife 1.0"



Last year a friend of mine, system administrator as myself, changed the application GirlFriend 6.0 by Wife 1.0 and found that the update was not very successful.

[拙訳] 去年、私の友達が GirlFriend 6.0からWife 1.0にバージョンアップしたが、結構大変らしい。

First of all Wife 1.0 leaves very little system resources for other applications, not only this, but he has also realized that Wife 1.0 is a prolific processor of Babys 1.x, which are additionally consumers of valuable resources.

[拙訳] 彼は、Wife 1.0は自身がシステムリソースを消費するばかりでなく、リソースを消費するbabys 1.x を生成することを思い知った。

My friend is noticing that some applications like: NightOfPoker 10.3, BeerParty 2.5PubNight 7.0 no longer can be run, because Wife 1.0 locks the system when they are selected (even so they always worked fine before).

[拙訳] 彼は、NightOfPoker 10.3, BeerParty 2.5, PubNight 7.0のようなアプリケーションは、Wife 1.0によりロックされていて稼動しないだろうと教えてくれた。

My friend is very seriously considering to change the version of the application Wife, but there are some features that he would like to be added to the next version (Wife 2.0), these are:
  * A "Forget me" button and another for minimizing.
  * A new option that allows to install Wife 2.0 with an option of "Desinstall at any time", without loosing the cache and other valuable system resources.
  * An option to run the network controller in "promiscuous" mode, that allows to the system to try shareware version of different applications, to have a better knowledge of the market.

[拙訳]彼は、彼の望むような次の機能を持つWife 2.0に乗り換えられないか悩んでいる。
  + 「俺のことを忘れる」ボタンとか、最小化する方法
  + 現金などのシステムリソースを失わない、「いつでもアンインストール機能」
  + さらなる市場動向を調べるため、ネットワーク上の様々なシェアウェアを試すための「無差別夜遊び」モード


IMPORTANTMore problems have been detected with Wife 1.0